أمنية ولاد حرام

Oh My God !!!

That's what I call how to give a good CARE for Customer Care...

Umnia to charge its customers from July/1st 3.5 piasters for every time you call the Customer Service Call Center Employee, this is so unfair and fair at the same time, you know that alot of jerks call Customer Service Employees just to trash-mouth on them or to give them such a hard time, but on the other hand alot of people in need to be treated in an ethical and respected way, without being charged for that.

well I think it's a step back for Umnia... but sure whatever it does or will do, it will never compete with the most trash, dump, fraud, fucking, stupid, thief telecommunication company in the world Fastlink... (Fastlink I fucking hate you)
Is It Too Soon For The Best Album Of The Year ???

Is it too soon for The Best Album Of The Year ???
Well Maroon 5's new album It Won't Be Soon Before Long has nailed it, the album is one of the greatest, i couldn't find any song i didn't like, it's a great one and it's a-must-have for everyone who knows how to listen to good music, music that matters basically...
And the b-sides are great too.
Paris Finds God

What a coincidence that days after the heiress is sentenced to 45 days in jail, she takes up a religion. Paris and sister Nicky attended a Catholic church in Beverly Hills yesterday. Following completely through with her ‘epiphany’, Paris wore a saintly white dress.
More Crap From My Beloved City
More misspells ... well that's a dream that will never come ture !
A great red sexy t-shirt with Pornstar written on it (i should buy this one, indeed)

OK... this one is unbelievable, who would buy more than 24 piece of canned tuna... I mean is there anyone who does Tuna Party, or does anyone do Tuna Diet... it's Oh My God.
These brilliant photos have been taken by my best pal, Murad...
Go Figure
Hot Shot !!!
OMG!!! Can't Wait For These Albums !!!

Arctic Monkeys
Favourite Worst Nightmare

Sophie Ellis-Bextor
Trip The Light Fantastic

The Boy With No Name

Manic Street Preachers
Send Away The Tigers

Beverley Knight
Music City Soul
Enrique Iglesias & Anna Kournikova Are Over !!!

Although they have never officially confirmed their marriage, but Enrique has told a Swedish magazine that he and Anna are divorced....
Lucky Me, Poor Enrique...
Anna ROCKS she a HOT STUFF !!!
5 Things DO Not DO It With Sunglasses!
1. DO NOT - wear them indoors, clubs, parties fashion shows whatever !!!

2. DO NOT - wear Oakleys when you're not jogging, cycling or playing volleyball !!!

3. DO NOT - buy fake Ray-Bans and telling everyone "guess how much i bought these for ?" !!!

4. DO NOT - think that people wouldn't notice that you're staring at them through your sunglasses lenses !!!

5. DO NOT - wear shiny sunglasses that people would pick their teeth in your face !!!
Rihanna Is A Bitch !!!
OMG!!! everybody knows me as DON'T STOP THE MUSIC
and everybody knows how much i hate copycats especially when a black woman sings only to be another Beyonce...

The stupid mouse Rihanna has a new song in her new album called "Don't Stop The Music"

F*** You.
Rosie Leaves For Good :-(

After only 8 months for being in ABC's The View, Roise leaves the show after her last fight with the Britney Look-a-Like Elisabitch Hasselbeck.
Roise whom raised the rating for the show since she begins co-hosting it, after an epic series of fights and feuds with the trash and yet dumped Donald Trump and for criticising the American war policy in Iraq.
I bet that the bitch Elizabitch is laughing now, but who cares she's just another stupid blond.
wonder who's gonna fill in for her, rumours has it that the freak show Star Jones Reynolds, i really don't wish that.
Jad Chouirie Has a Blog HAHAHAHA

while i was surfing the Blogspots blogs, i click on Next Blog and guess what i got...
he has a blog HAHAHAHA soo funny and yet gay.
Monalisa After One Week In USA

Best New Shows Of 2006/2007
It's been an amazing year for watching shows... and here my favourites.

1. Brothers & Sisters (Starring Calista Flockhart "Ally McBeal")

2. Dirt (Starring Courteney Cox "Monica Geller-Bing")

3. The Tudors (Starring Johnathan Rhys Meyers)

4. Ugly Betty (Starring America Ferrera)

5. The Riches (Starring Minnie Driver)
Top Smile Savers and Spoilers
Here are some of your smile's worst enemies -- and best friends.


Soda, fruit juice, and sports drinks Not only are they sugary, they're acidic, and that creates a perfect home for the bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease -- especially if you tend to sip on one or another of these drinks all day (who, Me?).

Sticky stuff We're not just talking caramels or fruit rollups. Bread, crackers, chips, sweet rolls, and other refined carbohydrates are nearly as likely to cling to teeth as a Tootsie Roll -- and they hang on for at least 20 minutes. Not good.


Cheese, please Eating a bit of cheddar (or whatever) at the end of a meal helps protect teeth. It stimulates the production of cleansing saliva, plus the calcium in cheese helps harden teeth.

Crunchy things Crisp apples, celery and carrots are nature's little toothbrush alternatives. Not only do they help rid your mouth of food particles but their rough, fibrous texture actually scrubs away as you chew, slightly brightening your smile.

Have a cuppa Drinking tea after eating can help destroy the germs that cause cavities, gum disease, and phewy breath. That goes for both green and black teas.
Oprah Wants You To Know That She Can Find Some People Who Might Like Her In Israel.

Oprah makes a visit to Israel to give a support for their unstoppable suffers (Yeah Right!!)

OK... you don't want to come out the closet and reveal that you're dyke it's OK, but don't go to Israel and say that they have been suffering since the dawn of time because of the Palestinian.
you racist, coward, a slut-whore, fake and a dyke... Oprah you're THE American dream.
Nancy Ajram Is Children's Whore.

More crap more stupidity more trash music from the Plastic Surgery Queen of all time.
Nancy "Plastic Monster" Ajram.
after the success of her latest album in whole Rghadan, Mafrag and Zarqa bus stations, she's releasing her new album which as we see in the promotions dedicated to children, the album named "Shakhbat Shakhabeet" which its videos will be exclusively air on some lame-ass channel called OTV.
and she's gonna tour the Arab World (so if you are in Jordan be aware!)
يمكن للإنسان أن يفقد ذاته في التأمل الخيالي (الحياة الحسية) لكن ذلك لا يحدث ضجة كبيرة .. إذ الغريب أن ضياع الذات ليس من بين الأشياء التي تثير ضجة كبيرة ! فالذات هي الشيء الذي لا يعيره الناس أدنى اهتمام. مع أنهم ينتبهون، بغير شك إذا ما فقد المرء ساقه، أو ذراعه، أو زوجته أو خمسة دولارات.. أما إذا فقد ذاته فتلك مسألة تمر في غاية الهدوء.قد يهرب الناس من هذه الحقيقة، كما هي الحال عندما يفترض المرء أنه سعيد (مع أنه في الحقيقة بائس) – ولا يريد أن يبعده أحد عن هذا الوهم (يظهره على الحقيقة) ما السبب..؟ السبب أن الطبيعة الحسية طاغية ومسيطرة عليه تماماً، وهو حين يقع تحت وطأة المقولات الحسية (مقبولة أو مرذولة) يقول للحقيقة: وداعاً ..! السبب أنه حسي أكثر مما يجب ومن ثم ليست لديه الشجاعة ليصبح روحاً ويتحمل مسئوليته كروح.. ليس لديه أدنى فكرة عن أنه روح.عندما يتلامس الإنسان مع نفسه بدون الله فسوف يدرك حالة اليأس التي هو موجود فيها وتكمن في أعماق نفسه. وعندئذ فهو لا يستطيع أن يتحمل هذا اليأس، لذلك يهرب الإنسان من التلامس مع نفسه ويحاول الإنسان أن يتخلص من هذه النفس التي يكمن اليأس فيها عندما لا يستطيع الإنسان أن يتخلص من نفسه يزداد لديه الإحساس باليأس، وعندما يزداد هذا الإحساس باليأس لديه لا يجد الإنسان شئ يفعله للتخلص منه سوى الهروب من نفسه.
كذلك رجل مسلم يذهب إلى المسجد كل يوم جمعة ليسمع خطبة الجمعة ويفهم ما يقوله الشيخ.. نعم يفهم كل منهما الآخر – وعندما يموت فيقدمه الشيخ إلى العالم الآخر، إلى الأبدية لقاء أربعين دولار (أجر المقبرة).. لكنه يموت بلا ذات، فلا ذات له، فهو لم يصبح ذاتاً قط
How Do We Say This Politely???

Extreme close-ups are never a good idea!
Fantasia poses with Oprah Winfrey after a performance Saturday in The Color Purple on Broadway.
Beautiful Liar Is Not #1 Anymore

After spending 3 weeks at number one spot at UK Charts, Jay-Z's Umbrella featuring the most stupid and annoying mouse in the world Rihanna is kicking Beautiful Liar ftom #1.

Blame Beyonce.
The King Hussein Ben Talal Mosque in Amman.

The Weirdest Phobias EVER!!!!!!

That made me laugh for a whole unstoppable hour...

Vestiphobia- Fear of clothing

Venustraphobia- Fear of beautiful women

Ouranophobia- Fear of heaven

Selenophobia- Fear of the moon

Plutophobia- Fear of wealth

Phobophobia- Fear of phobias

Phallophobia- Fear of a penis

Parthenophobia- Fear of virgins

Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8

Numerophobia- Fear of numbers

Nomatophobia- Fear of names

Logizomechanophobia- Fear of computers

Lachanophobia- Fear of vegetables

Japanophobia- Fear of Japanese

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666

Geliophobia- Fear of laughter.
Welcom Folks...

Hey y'all.... welcome to my Crazy Punk Cool Blog.

it's AalaA M. Qaryouti.

hope you're gonna enjoy this long journey together...

Personality Tests .... (Yeah Right)
These are the lamest yet best personality tests ever.

To test how Evil ie. George W. Bush you are try this one,

To test how Metrosexua ie. David Beckham/Ryan Secrest you are try this one,

To test how Bully/Mean Girl ie. Pink or poor Lindsay Lohan you are try this one,
Bully/Mean Girl

To test how Stupid ie. Britney Spears are you try this one,

Credited to M.Esam
6 Spiritual Rules for How to Break Up

How to end a relationship without crushing your Girlfriend's feelings.

1. Don't forget that ending is not a nice thing, Be prepared to be the "bad guy" and discover that there can be joy in that role.

2. Before you have the ending conversation, get it clear in your mind., you want and need to end this now, set aside complexity for a while and go for simple.

3. You don't have to give reasons, You know that the reason is that you don't love this person now, love is not always a reasonable thing.

4. Be gentle, but also be firm and clear.

5. You have already ended it in your mind, let it be. No regurgitation. Do the main job of ending and let all the details take care of themselves. End of discussion.

6. In spite of rule #5, know that closure is only an ideal,You may always wonder about and even regret this ending. You may dream of this person all your life. Deep down in your soul, endings are only commas, not periods.

Crdited to Thomas Moor.
it's not Talasim it's just Zarqa :-)

just passing by the street in my beloved hometown zarqa with my best pal M.Esam and that's what we found.... Sent and Unisix... ya neyalha Ommak !!
Separated At Bearth

Cool Girls VS Stupid Guys

it's so irritating and frustrating seeing someone as sexy as Jessica Biel or as talented as Norah Jones going out with trash like Justin Timberlake and Jude Law, Justin keeps on putting off the coming out the closet and Jude is banging the nanny again!!! wonder how Cameron Diaz and Sienna Miller feel about it (really who cares !!!)
Elissa Stop Copying J-Lo!!!! ...

Ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce Elissa for you.
1. She's the official queen of Nashaz.
2. She's the official queen of buying awards.
3. she's the official queen lying 'bout plastic surgeries.
Michael Buble ... Respect

Micheal Buble's "Call Me Irresponisible" is number at the billboards hot 200 ... way to go Micheal
Anorexia Anorexia Anorexia
this is dedicated to Nicole Richie, Micha Barton, Hilary Duff and the freak show Star Jones.
Mariah Carey's CD Covers In KSA (No Offense)

Donald Trump Gets .... FIRED
Rosie O'Donnell is getting the last laugh!
acoording the very very very bad low ratings that The Apprentice got this season, NBC found out that it's the time to fire the 99 years old trash Donald Trump.
Men VS. Women pt. 6521349285

Mika ... Respect

Mika's highly anticipated and critically acclaimed debut album, Life In Cartoon Motion has sold by now almost 2 millions albums world wide .... way to go Mika..
Ha ha ha ... the invasion of the internet.

5 things you don't know about me
1. I've never ever eaten apples in my life.
2. I hate babies pictures forward e-mails as well as kittens and puppies pictures too.
3. I love M7mmad Al-Wakeel's morning radio show at fun.fm or fan.fm or whatever fm, it makes me feel that there's people who REALLY cares for other's people.
4. I eat cook at the morning.
5. If i didn't go for Financial Economics in school i would DEFINITELY go for Politics (Yeah Right!!!)
The Worst Damn Thing....

though her stupid album has been number one all over the world... i got the album, it sucked, i feel sorry for her, she's just trying to repeat herself like "hey how about copycat me AGAIN!!!"
anyway typical Avril stupid and ugly especailly with her caveman husband...
