Pictture 1 : The Photograph That Isn’t as Romantic as You Might Think"V-J Day, Times Square, 1945", a.k.a. "The Kiss"Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1945
Picture 2 : The Photograph That Gave a Face to the Great Depression"Migrant Mother"Dorothea Lange, 1936
Picture 3 : The Photograph That Ended a War But Ruined a Life"Murder of a Vietcong by Saigon Police Chief"Eddie Adams, 1968
Picture 4 : The Photograph That Kept Che Alive"The Corpse of Che Guevara"Freddy Alborta, 1967
Picture 5 : The Photograph That Made the Surreal Real"Dalí Atomicus"Philippe Halsman, 1948
Picture 6 :The Photograph That Raised the Photojournalistic Stakes: "Omaha Beach, Normandy, France"Robert Capa, 1944
Picture 7 : The Photograph That Almost Wasn’t"Gandhi at his Spinning Wheel"Margaret Bourke-White, 1946
Picture 8 : The Photograph That Destroyed an Industry"Hindenburg"Murray Becker, 1937
Picture 9 : The Photograph That Lied"Loch Ness Monster" a.k.a. "The Surgeon’s Photo"Ian Wetherell, 1934
Picture 10 : The Photograph that Allowed Geniuses to Have a Sense of Humor"Einstein with his Tongue Out"Arthur Sasse, 1951
Picture 11 : The Photograph That Brought the Battlefield Home"Federal Dead on the Field of Battle of First Day, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania"Mathew Brady, 1863
Picture 12 : The Photograph That Saved the Planet"The Tetons - Snake River"Ansel Adams, 1942

Here's an EXCLUSIVE 2:15 minutes clip of the new Jennifer Lopez english single from her upcoming english record. The track is titled "Hold It, Push It" (It was first titled Hold It, Don't Drop It)

I would never ever eat ... meat.
I would never ever drink ... milk.
I would never ever say ... faye3, 5awa, tant, 6age3.
I would never ever do ... drinking.
I would never ever wear ... sandals or Deshdasheh.
I would never ever stop ... using deodrants (i don't know how people don't use them, especailly when they REALLY smell bad).
I would never ever get back to ... my old home/hood.
I would never ever try ... drugs but maybe weeds.
I would never ever claim ... that i'm not Jordanian.
I would never ever live ... without my computer/mum/my BESTEST friend.
I would never ever eat at ... KFC.
I would never ever forgive ... almost 5 people.
I would never ever have ... Aljazeera Network on my TV.
I would never ever give up ... my posters and magazines.
I would never ever regret ... everyone i dumped.
I would never ever get married ... before the age of 28.
I would never ever forget ... my past.
I would never ever be ... someone else but me.
I suck at arguing, but I'm good at explaning.
I suck at playing music, but I'm good listening at it.
I suck at fall in, but I'm good at fall out.
I suck at following rules, but I'm good at making/breaking them.
I suck at singing, but I'm good at acting.
I sucked at university, but I was good in school.
I suck at life, but I'll be good at afterlife.
I suck at sympathy, but I'm good at empathy.
I suck at waiting, but I'm good at giving chances.
I suck being indoor, but I'm good being outdoor.
I suck at reading, but I'm good at writing.
I suck as a boy, but I'm good as a man.
I suck at being lonely, but I'm good at being alone.
I suck in pictures, but I'm damn good as in person.

I choose to share with you some of these comments, some are quite harsh, but I believe regardless of the content you would know the very kind of people who wrote it and it only makes us more proud.
comment 6:
comment 7:
comment 8:
اكيد انو كان تصويت على عجائب الدنيا الحديثه على الموضه لأنو الأهرام صارت دقة قديمه

iPhone Is In Jordan!
Available at iSystems Sweifieh ,they’re not for sale, just for display until Apple releases a middle east version (GSM actually).

Joyce Mercedes is an international DJ of great stature, a star and very talented. Traveling all around the globe and playing on a very high quality level in the best Clubs and Events, with a huge passion for music. In 2005 and 2006 Joyce Mercedes visited more than 40 different countries. This demonstrates that Joyce M. is exceptionally talented – the best female DJ of progressive house and the 3rd leading female DJ in the world.

Cruzing yestrday at Amman Ahliyyeh Salt way with my friend, we went grabbing some cup of coffee and boom, they're closing it in a month, who blame them, the selling goes really bad.
Virgin Megastore Amman opens!

PS. Fadi "Feddo" don't worry, we'll get her, sooner or later.