Every mile is two in winter.
I like these cold, gray winter days. Days like these let you savor a bad mood.
Every winter,When the great sun has turned his face away,The earth goes down into a vale of grief,And fasts, and weeps, and shrouds herself in sables,Leaving her wedding-garlands to decay -Then leaps in spring to his returning kisses.
Winter dies into the spring, to be born again in the autumn.
To shorten winter, borrow some money due in spring.
Spring, summer, and fall fill us with hope; winter alone reminds us of the human condition
Mood : Cup of cocoa while listening to Whitney's Greatest Hits.

Muslims brothers and to offer their customary prayers. This isn’t a sequence from any Bollywood film, but a reality in the parish of Our Lady of Assumption of Ponzano near Venice, the romantic city of Italy. The pastor of the parish, Don Aldo Danieli, 69, affirms, “It’s useless to speak of religious dialogs and then bang the door on their face. Pope John Paul II addressed them as, ‘dear Muslim brothers’. How can we close our church doors to them?”
At Ponzano, in the province of Treviso, live some 11,500 people of whom 232 families are immigrants, making their number roughly 650. These are mainly immigrants from North African countries and Eastern Europe. Two years ago, Don Aldo decided to open the doors of the church to these Muslim immigrants and keep a portion of his own parochial house including a kitchen and a little at their disposal. On Fridays an average of 200 Muslim believers gather in the church and offer prayers. But in the month of Ramadan, the number swells to 1000-1200. “They requested me and I said yes, moreover, the kitchen and hall were a home for spiders
South Korea's central bank on Monday chose the face of Korean motherhood as the first woman to be featured on its banknotes, but women's rights groups say the selection only reinforces sexist stereotypes. what if they wanted to feature Jordan's mum of the year on any of our issued money or any financial tools, would it be the typical mum of western Amman, or the regular housewife mother who works her ass off to fulfill her role, or would it be the village mum. would it be Jordanian or Palestinian or Iraqi or Lebanese or Sharkas or Sheeshan.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... Complicated
Mood : Amy Winehouse - You Know I'm No Good
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... Complicated
Mood : Amy Winehouse - You Know I'm No Good

Ramadan, Eid, Work and October ... all combined together to drive me away from my beloved blog ... now I'm back in black (AGAIN and this blog will never be on hiatus again !!!

On Nilesat
Frequency: 11977
Polarization: Vertical
FEC: 5/6
Symbol Rate: 27500
On Arabsat
On Arabsat
Frequency: 12169
Polarization: Vertical
FEC: 3/4
Symbol Rate: 27500
More updates coming up.

AalaA : Try this sunglasses
MTS : WOW this is the same as J-Lo's I'm Gonna Be Alright Video
MTS after he tried it : Oh ... I'm Not Gonna Be Alright
MTS : Look at me ;
AalaA : Seems like Jannet Jackson's accident is all over again
MTS : Wow Moderate degree holders are to be allowed to have master degrees from now, you on't be the non-educated little sister from now on.
MTS : What a suit and a coat ... what you really need now is Red Lips and 60's Sunglasses
M.T.S : Irreplaceable
AalaA : Now she's calling him back
AalaA : Go with the attitude girl !!!
it's 4:45 pm ... looking out the windows... and it's all black ...
it's kinda weird when they change from revert from daylight saving time..
it's kinda weird when they change from revert from daylight saving time..