Well at least not the one I drink "Light Red Bull", but as per The Associated Press, Red Bull Cola has been banned in Germany after it was discovered the energy drink contains the illegal narcotic, they found 0.4 micrograms per liter in the drink, which is fair :-)
That might be behind why Britney and Lindsay would totally go mud-wrestle in a cage match for the last Red Bull !!! Simply because it contains cocaine.
But put in mind that its not Red Bull in general, but Red Bull Cola !!!

Muslim Syed Masood will fall for Christian Clarke, in a storyline which is set to shock Muslim viewers in the British TV soap EastEnders, while everyone knows in UK that homosexuality is forbidden in our religion !!!
They impersonates Syed as a 'good' Muslim man, he doesn't drink, smoke or engage in sex before marriage,but he struggles with his sexuality and he believes this goes against his faith, the character played by Marc Elliott Marc Elliott I mean what the fuck
It has been claimed that Muslim viewers to boycott the showm but still no organization nor any Islam association did anything so far.
While people surf at the morning Al Rai or Al Ghad or Al Jazeera
I go to Perez Hilton !!! it's been my habit since 4 years and counting !!!
I go to Perez Hilton !!! it's been my habit since 4 years and counting !!!

Demi Moore tweeted (her profile) a picture of her at the dentist with her tooth out. This would be funny and cute if I didn't already know that she's had more work than the Millennium Falcon.

In the list you can find
(Dying to Get Back) New Kids on the Block,
(Canned Ham) Russell Brand,
(Human Slayer) George W. Bush,
(Insiana Jones) Shia LaBeouf,
(Holeplay) Chris Martin,
(Sissy George) Boy George,
(Viagrasauraus) Hugh Hefner,
(MTV, Grammy's and George Bush Hates Black People) Kanye West,
(Ex-Man) Hugh Jackman,
(Kid Cock) Kid Rock,
(Pee Whizz) Pete Wentz,
(Jack off the Black) Jack Black,
(Fugly Face On Stage) John Mayer,
(I Won 8 Olympic Medals and I Smoked 8 Dopes) Micheal Phelps
(Ex Actor Ex Human) Joaquin Phoenix,
(Don't Fuck With Me Cameraman) Christian Bale,
(I Lost American Idol B'cos I'm Faggot) Adam Lambert,
(I Shagged Madonna While She's Married) Alex Rodriguez,
(I Beat Women and I Like It) Chris Brown
and (I Don't Shower) Robert Pattinson !!! (Yes Ladies)
Click here for the full list
Christina Applegate is Twittering about signing a petition to save "Samantha Who?", well I find this a very brave step from a celebrity who wants to save their show, at least she she's trying.
Go to PetitionOnline.com. and sign now !!! It wont cost you a thing !!!
Go to PetitionOnline.com. and sign now !!! It wont cost you a thing !!!
Save Samantha Who?
Why every website I came across yesterday says that they're doing a maintenance ???
I hate their updates though !!!
I hate their updates though !!!
Egyptian court sentenced an Egyptian mogul and a former policeman to death for the killing Lebanese singer Suzan Tamim. According to press reports, Tycoon Hesham Mustafa and policeman Mohseen Al Sukkari will be hanged for the murder of the pop star in a luxury Dubai apartment last year.
The ruling came after 27 hearing sessions in the trial, accused of ordering the killing of Suzan Tamim. Mustafa allegedly had an affair with her and asked Al Sukkari to kill her in return for $2 million, and Mustafa has strongly denied these claims.
I hope they will be hanged in public.
A film presented heavily by Oprah Winfrey and Tyra Banks Tyler Perry, and starring by Gabourey 'Gabby' Sidibe, Mo'Nique and Mariah Carey, Lenny Kravitz and Sherri Shepard.
A saddening and yet real story based on a novel by Sapphire. The based on a real story happens in Harlem, about an overweight, illiterate teenager girl that is pregnant with her second child in a school, hopes that her life can head in a new direction.
Endures insufferable hardships in her life, abused by her mother, raped by her father, she grows up poor, angry, illiterate and fat.
So what better way to learn about her than through her own, halting dialect.
Watch the trailer and can't wait for the OST, it is going to be the IT OST of the year.
A saddening and yet real story based on a novel by Sapphire. The based on a real story happens in Harlem, about an overweight, illiterate teenager girl that is pregnant with her second child in a school, hopes that her life can head in a new direction.
Endures insufferable hardships in her life, abused by her mother, raped by her father, she grows up poor, angry, illiterate and fat.
So what better way to learn about her than through her own, halting dialect.
Watch the trailer and can't wait for the OST, it is going to be the IT OST of the year.
I have always believed that Google rocks, it rarely crashes, its search engine is comprehensive and very helpful, and it's not racist as Yahoo!. A contest has been going since I don't know when letting kids around the world to draw a Google logo to be used by Google later, the participants allowed are from KG to 12th grade.
I'll let you with some of favorites.

Check out this video as a proof !!!