Scientists have concluded that eating late at night won't make you fat unless you go over your calorie load for that day. Which means if your average calorie intake per day is 2000 calories, and you have eaten only 1500 calories that day and decided to have a snack at night that does not exceed the 500-calorie limit, you will not gain any weight.
Myth No. 9: Muscle Turns to Fat When You Don't Exercise
“Muscle is muscle and fat is fat and you can’t turn one into the other.” Which means, that when you stop working out, your muscles do no transform into fat, what happens is that your muscles remain muscles except that they become a bit loose which gives you the feeling of fat even though it isn’t.
Myth No. 8: Diet and Exercise Are All You Need to Lose Weight
Sorry for the disappointment, it’s not that easy. A huge factor in losing weight is having proper amounts of sleep. A sleep doctor studied the effects of sleep on the human and found out that in sleep-deprived individuals there was a lower levels of the hormone leptin in their blood, which tells us we’re full, and higher levels of the hormone ghrelin, which tells us we're hungry.
Myth No. 7: Natural Ingredients Make Shampoos Better
Not really, the natural ingredients are only used for sex appeal. They are used to give a better scent, a better look, and as a better marketable product.
Myth No. 6: Waxing Is Better Than Shaving
For Men: Nope not really, shaving is the best method of hair removal available. After you shave, you’ll see hair in a couple of days and the hair will grow back coarser.For Women: Yes, its totally true, waxing creates scarring in that hair follicle from the constant pulling, and those hairs will diminish the number of hairs growing back.
Myth No. 5: Moisturizers Prevent Wrinkles
Moisturizers DO NOT prevent wrinkles, all they do is enhance the appearance of the skin and usually treat the fine lines and wrinkles left on the skin.“Finally don't assume that high price equals high quality. Inexpensive creams are often just as good.”
Myth No. 4: Reading in Low Light Hurts Your Eyes
Nope, not true. Doctors day that dim lights, or too much TV will hurt your eyes, well it will only strain the eyes for a while but it can never damage the eyesight. Eating carrots is not a myth; it actually is healthy for your sight.
Myth No. 3: Male Fertility Is Reduced by Tight Underwear, Laptops and Hot Tubs
It’s absolutely true. Please take good care of yourselves, and research properly before you end up damaging your fertility.
Myth No. 2: Chocolate Is Bad for You
You must have heard it over a million times. Well it was proven by health doctors that cocoa beans are rich in compounds called flavonols that produce specific health benefits. What those beans do is relax blood vessels thus reducing blood pressure as well as blood clotting. It also reduces inflammation, which is also a major cause of heart attacks.
Myth No. 1: Revenge Is Sweet
Not that much. It has been proven the revenge in many situations leads to depression afterwards. It might feel good for the moment, but it will remain with you for the rest of your life. The solution is “forgive and forget” in case something has caused you pain, because it is a much easier and a satisfying solution in the long run.