Creating the conditions of hunger and thirst for oneself, simply in obedience to the Divine order, measures the faith of man in God and helps strengthen it by putting it to a severe test.
Fasting enhances through creation of artificial non-availability, the value of the bounties of God which man often takes for granted. This inculcates in man a spirit of gratitude and consequent devotion to God. Nothing else can bring home to a man the worth of God's bounties than a glass of water and a square meal after a day long fast. This also reminds man that the real joy in enjoying God's bounties lies in moderation and restraint and not in over indulging.
Fasting makes us deeply conscious of the pangs of hunger and discomfort suffered by the less fortunate among our brethren. They have to put up with difficult conditions all through their lives. It thus kindles in man a spirit of sacrifice leading to change towards his suffering brethren.
Fasting gives man an unfailing training in endurance, a spirit of acceptance. This could well prepare him to put up with the unchangeable situations in life in the same spirit of resignation as cultivated during the fasts.
Fasting develops courage, fortitude, and a fighting spirit in man to surmount the heavy odds in life with a cool and tranquil mind. It sharpens his power of concentration to overcome obstacles through a vigorous exercise all throughout the month, leading to a steeling of his will power and resolve, that could help him in challenging situations in life. It is seen than many an undesirable habit which is difficult to give up, is more easily given up during the days of fasting.
Fasting teaches man reliance on God, and confidence in Him. Just as the vigorous state of fasting for a whole month is undertaken with His assistance, bitter situations in life could also be surmounted with His help.
Fasting develops a spirit of patience in man, with the realization that the days of fasting, though seemingly unending, do have a successful and happy end. Thus is life. All bitter situations pass, and come to an end.
Fasting is meant to conquer anger and develop self-control in man. The vigorous effort required to put up with hunger and thirst can well be extended to conquer other infirmities of human character that lead man into error and sin.
Fasting inculcates a spirit of tolerance in man to face unpleasant conditions and situations without making his fellow beings the victim of his wrath. Many people, when facing discomfort and deprivation, become irritable and annoyed. This anger is then vented on those around them. Fasting helps a man become more tolerant despite his own discomfort.
Fasting mellows a man and enhances his character, giving a jolt to the human instincts of pride, haughtiness, jealousy and ambition. Fasting softens his character, and clears his heart and mind of many negative emotions.
Fasting exposes the weakness of man in the event of his being deprived of two basic bounties of God; food and drink. It infuses into him a spirit of weakness and submission, generating humility and prayer in an otherwise arrogant being.
Fasting breathes the spirit of forgiveness in man towards others, as he seeks God's forgiveness through fasts and prayers.
Fasting gives lessons in punctuality. Man has to adhere to a strict schedule of time in the observance of the fast.
Fasting could affect the economy of the individual as he is less wasteful on food and meals.
Fasting demands a rigid sense of discipline, mental, spiritual and physical. This forms characteristics which are an essential ingredient to success in life.
Fasting creates spiritual reformation in man, infusing him with a spirit of enthusiasm and zest to change and become a better human being in the eyes of God. This is an excellent opportunity, given to believers each year, to change themselves and consequently their destinies.
On the physical side, fasting cleanses the human system of the accumulated impurities of uninterrupted eating throughout the year. It prepares the body to face diseases or conditions of scarcity. The rigid abstinence of a fast regulates man's health, sharpens his intellect and enhances the qualities of his heart.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeey, the countdown has begun for my birthday, less than a week and I will be 24 years (Scary ha?)
8. Red small chandelier (The small ones that cost maximum 10 to 15 JD)

The theme for this birthday is "Buy me something useful" !!!
No flowers, posters, overpriced teddy bears, frames, stuff for me room, cards ,ties or clothes ... unless you know what brand-names I'm able to wear.
Be creative and not sentimental.
And I think I need to suck up a little bit to you guys to get the good stuff, but who cares everyone knows that I'm a whore gold digger materialistic guy !!!
The wish list as follows;
1. MP3 Earphones (Get me the cheapest and the loudest ones, I wanna go deaf the minute I wear 'em)
2. Speakers for my PC (The more the merrier)

3. Cuff links from Debenhams (City Mall and now available on 50% sale)
4. Shorts (I prefer athletic ones NOT A BATHING SUIT, Safeway Airport Road got many of them avoid SHS or sportland please)

5. Masculine suitcase (I need 10 JD bag, I'm sick of my not-so-feminine Massimo Dutti one)
6. Blue Bay eau de toilet (Costs 6 JD available at Carrefour)

3. Cuff links from Debenhams (City Mall and now available on 50% sale)

5. Masculine suitcase (I need 10 JD bag, I'm sick of my not-so-feminine Massimo Dutti one)

7. Red cushions (Lenin, Fuzzy, Feather and sexy are allowed)

9. Ally McBeal Seasons 1 + 2 only (Fake illegal and unoriginal DVD set is available in Al-Balad)

10. If the above list didn't meet your choice or your budget, buy me anything you want, I'll take it, I swear I'll like it I'll thank you.... Then I'll dump you :-)


Basim Fghali in Le Royal Jordan, in CERTAIN days of Ramadan.
I really wanna go, this phenomenal person cracks me up and I get too surprised by the way he stands on the stage without smiling or having any bloopers.
The ticket for booking as from now and it's 40 JD ++ includes Iftar.

This book which is the last book which was written by the last Palestinian poet who dedicates this book to the young Palestinian girl whom her family were killed on the beach by the Israelis.
This mind-blowing book which the more pages you read the more attracted you get to, gives you a very complicated feelings mixed all together from the war in Palestine to the bitter reality that we live to the betrayal of a brother to the rapid life change to the love of a woman ...
It's literally a piece of art that everyone should own.

Why we say "Ya Bani Adam" for the boys ...
while and "Ya Bani Admeh" for the girls ??? There's nothing called "Admeh"
Shouldn't be "Ya Bent Adam" ???

And this one went to Number 1 and it kicked Katy Perry's ass ...
This is song I'm really ashamed to admit that I loved it ... Download here

The EWG's "dirty dozen" are
Peaches, apples, sweet bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, lettuce, grapes, pears, spinach, and potatoes.
The "cleanest 12" are
Onions, avocados, sweet corn (frozen), pineapples, mangos, sweet peas (frozen), asparagus, kiwis, bananas, cabbage, broccoli, and eggplants.
Credit : Yahoo

Ellen DeGeneres and Portia De Rossi, 35, will wed Saturday in California, Usmagazine.com has learned exclusively.
The pair are planning a small, intimate ceremony with only a few close friends and family.
I remember me having a huge crush on Portia back in time when she was in Ally McBeal, with her attractive long blond hair she used to seduce everyone.

Credit : Yahoo
Have you seen a truly awful piece of Photoshop work? Clumsy manipulation, senseless comping, lazy cloning and thoughtless retouching are our bread and butter. And yes, deep down, we love Photoshop.
Blown pupils usually means brain stem edema
A charming piece of ethnic cleansing by The Sun
What did you just say? Nothing, but the furniture is half-deleted
A charming piece of ethnic cleansing by The Sun


Talk about being on top of shit! This bitch is not playing around... Everyone needs to look at HER dictionary for the definition of Loyalty. How do you start that conversation though?
"Hi, I know you've been fucking my husband... got any pointers?"
"Don't give me a diamond, just give me a big closet" (Carrie to Big)
" I won't tell you how often, but when Big colors he rarely stays in the lines." (Carrie to the girls)
"Color? Well I can't color enough. I would color all day...everyday if I had my way I'd use every crayon in the box."(Samantha to the girls)
"Let's get it over and done with" (Miranda to Steve during sex)
"I feel the same way as you feel about Botox. Painful and unnecessary." (Samantha on being Carrie's question to be her Maid of Honor)
"Charlotte did a Poughkeepsie in her pants!" (Carrie)
"I curse the day you were born" (Charlotte to Big)
"Honey even if I were in jail, I wouldn't have that....situation" (Samantha on Miranda's waxing issues)
" I won't tell you how often, but when Big colors he rarely stays in the lines." (Carrie to the girls)
"Color? Well I can't color enough. I would color all day...everyday if I had my way I'd use every crayon in the box."(Samantha to the girls)
"Let's get it over and done with" (Miranda to Steve during sex)
"I feel the same way as you feel about Botox. Painful and unnecessary." (Samantha on being Carrie's question to be her Maid of Honor)
"Charlotte did a Poughkeepsie in her pants!" (Carrie)
"I curse the day you were born" (Charlotte to Big)
"Honey even if I were in jail, I wouldn't have that....situation" (Samantha on Miranda's waxing issues)

When life throws punches at you,
You tell God to allow you to forgive the personand
... Then let God decide the punishment.
You tell God to allow you to forgive the personand
... Then let God decide the punishment.

As the restaurants in Amman are increasing very madly... You can see that alot of them are shorten their branches in order to keep good sales, Zaatar W Ziet in City Mall has closed and Chili's is butting in.
I really want Wedny's and Taco Bell to open in Jordan.

After many speculation yes Ladies (.... and Men) it's here and it's in, Sex and The City - The Movie, well I couldn't resist the time I saw it in Grand Cinemas in Amman though I was going through "the" worst day in my career ever ever ever (for more details watch this space)
So I grabbed a taxi cap and went to City Mall, bought a ticket I was looking like Sponge Pop all smiling and walking in a funny way, i was too friendly and for the very first time I didn't give any employee a hard time, though they were out of the delicious Pepsi (machine) so i got myself a popcorn and free sugar Red Bull (as the regular one was out of stock too) , still it doesn't matter I'm here for the sex not for the city ...
Anyway I entered the theater I noticed that alot of people were there, the minutes the movie started the opening song was Fergie's "Labels or Love" I was losing control !!!
It was a very long movie 2hr 25min and they cut out many nudity scenes but they left the rude language and the gay scenes uncensored, the girls were obviously older despite the face that it's been only 3 years since they finished the TV show.
What surprised me that Carrie Bradshaw wasn't that funny and loud in the movie, instead she was sad and upset and she was a real drama, Samantha Jones on the other hand got it all, the wildness, the rudeness and the sarcasm.
I really got "Carried Away" by this movie, it's so amazing seeing your fave TV how that you got used to watch in on the small screen all of a sudden it's huuuuuuge in front of you face.
The labels, the sex, New York, the seasons, and the fanciness influenced me soooooooo freakin MUCH !!! So I had to give myself a treat as I done.
Speaking fairly as a movie it's not the best movie I've ever watched, "Little Children" is, but this TV show touches me in a very weird way, it's a guilty pleasure for me, that i keep watching and watching non-stop.
I recommend EVERYONE to watch it.