Everyone makes mistakes in their relationships. That said, it's always easier to pinpoint the errors made by a friend, or better yet, a celebrity whose entire life is often put on display down to every microscopic detail. We've debunked the mystery behind fallen famous couples and found their mistakes all fall into one of five categories. Perhaps they, or we, can learn something from their errors.
1. Too high profileBrad and Angelina might be robots, because they can somehow handle being at the top, but we have some proof that overexposure does damage: Bennifer. How much of the relationship between J.Lo and Ben Affleck was real and how much got lost behind the interviews, the tabloid covers and that massive 6-carat pink diamond? We know celebs are all attention hungry, but they should beware the power of gossip. If their bond is based on press and reporters say the marriage is on the rocks, how long before a rumor becomes reality?
2. Too career focused In money and ego driven Hollywood, it’s easy to put your next blockbuster before your man. Or maybe you’re shooting on location in Croatia. Either way, when celebs become so huge they need an assistant to pencil their man in for a dinner, it may be time to reevaluate their priorities. We hear this is how Ryan Phillippe let down Reese Witherspoon. Family first!
3. Too desperate to prove their devotionHmm… are they overcompensating for a lack of substance? Sure many celebrities love gushing about their budding new romance, but how about a little preliminary discretion. Stars know you have to act quickly or miss an opportunity. But when they put this theory into play with their mates, it’s easy to get in over your head. Think quickie proposals, weddings and babies for starters. Oh and those name tattoos are like the final nail in the relationship coffin. Remember in 7th grade when your friend wrote “I love Todd” on her desk after one date and he saw it and dumped her and she was stuck sitting in that desk all year? Let’s not be too eager.

4. Feeding the clichéThings happen, fate intervenes and maybe you fall for your co-star. But don’t limit your dating pool. Celebrities have found crossover success with musicians, athletes, stylists, magicians, etc. Just because you’re a rock star doesn’t mean you must have a model girlfriend at your side.
5. Forgetting the pastHey Lindsay/Paris/Mischa/whoever, remember how you got burned by hot C-lister Jared Leto last week? Maybe you shouldn’t have gone for Criss Angel and Brandon Davis and Cisco Adler and… you get the point. Just as we non-famous people have a penchant for jerks, a handsome actor or musician can give serial loser-daters temporary amnesia.