MAXIM's Hottest Pregnant Women, Ever !!!
Christina Aguilera
Baby daddy: Husband Jordan Bratman
She probably won´t be getting dirty in any boxing rings for a while, but Xtina hasn´t resorted to a housecoat and slippers, either. Plus, there´s a good chance her doctor has told her to take out her piercings because of the bun in her oven, which is a plus for guys that aren´t into body mods.

Halle Berry

Baby daddy: Male model Gabriel Aubry

Descriptions like "over 40" and "with child" aren´t usually things we associate with looking hot, but Halle pulls off both better than anyone we´ve seen. Plus, we admire the guts it must have taken to walk into the maternity store and say, "Give me a big stack of the lowest-cut dresses you have."Heidi Klum

Most recent baby daddy: Pop singer Seal

Heidi has already pumped out three offspring, but each time her torso has rapidly reverted to its original toned and insanely hot state. Even when she was ultra-pregnant and hosting Project Runway—we TiVo it for the girlfriend—she was making maternity clothes look like Victoria´s Secret outfits…with crotch pads

Naomi Watts

Baby daddy: Actor Liev Schreiber

Naomi has always been hot, but a little on the scrawny side for our tastes. Once she got pregnant, she carried that baby weight in all the right places . Angelina Jolie

Baby daddy: Brad Pitt

You could put Angelina through a wood chipper and the bits that come out the other side would probably still be sexy as hell. Angelina carried her kid like a champ, even if it was a little more taxing on her body than all that adopting she had done in the past.