"I've had that problem in my life, where if I get emotional, I tend to just go (and) sit by myself"
"I'm gonna live my life. And there are gonna be times when people wanna try to attack me and I don't know why, but they will. And that's okay....There are other things I'm more concerned about...My kids are healthy. I have a lot I want to do in this world...I'm gonna be dead one day. And what people say about me is gonna be what I accomplished and what I did in my life and how my children are."
"To be intimate with a MARRIED man, when my own father cheated on my mother, is not something I could forgive,"....I could not look at myself in the mirror if i did that".
"I don't trust anyone."I don't think it's a good thing."
"Love one person, take care of them until you die. You know, raise kids. Have a good life. Be a good friend. And try to be completely who you are. And figure out what you personally love. And like go after it with everything you've got no matter how much it takes."
"You might never find out that you are useful for all the right reasons - and not all those stupid things that people tell you you're useful for."
"If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I'm not frightened by anyone's perception of me"
Special thanks to may 28