It's Britney not bitch - Before blackout or the vajayjay incident !!! Whitney Houston - Looks like a slave whose names is Aida !!!
Mariah Carey - Touch my nose !!!
Tyra Banks - Look at the nose and the forehead and the teeth !!!I wouldn't guess this one even after million years it's the boobielicious Pamela Anderson !!! These both I couldn't stop laughing the minute I saw them, it's Renee Zellweger, no wonder she was easily able to gain 20 pounds for the movie Bridget Jones' Diary !!!
Angelina Jolie - Before adopting half of the third world's children !!!
Jack Nicholson !!!
This is the best, the ugliest and the funniest among all, George Clooney !!!
Not a stupid guy living in Zarqa - Jordan (so you don't have to). My blog covers pop culture, politics, books, celebrity, music, things I don't and/or like, life, small adventures and is filled with guilty pleasure ...